Why Should You Be A Conscious Spender
I was having a conversation with my wife one day which quickly became an argument. The argument 😛😛 was about not buying more clothes when she already had a lot of clothes. I think lots of you people who are reading this blog might have had this uncomfortable discussion with your partners. What should be the answer to points which sound reasonable from one point of view:- You only live once. Money is there to spend, what good is money if you don't spend it. Why should i stay frugal when i am earning money, so on and so forth. New clothes/ gadgets/ shiny things give me happiness. In this blog i want to discuss all these and more that why being a conscious spender is good and also the only reasonable and scientific way of life is to be frugal. Everything that you consume, in some way comes from nature. Be it clothes, mobile phones or a car. Everything that you throw away to get a new shiny thing again harms nature. Now for the first argument You only live once. Counter Argume...